• Provide comprehensive and continuous education and training to the Judicial Officers, Lawyers, Staff of High Court & Subordinate Courts, Public Prosecutors, State Prosecuting Officers, Police, Officers from the Government departments and Principal Magistrates and Members of Juvenile Board.
• Provide Induction Training to the newly inducted judicial officers for the purpose of training them to perform their duties as presiding officers in the court efficaciously.
• Provide Refresher Courses to serving judicial officers for updation of their knowledge throughout their career and to tone-up their professional skills.
• Provide continuous education to other stake holders in the justice delivery system including members of the Bar, Prosecuting Officers, Public Officers, Police Officers, Officers of the Government, staff of all ranks in the High Court and the sub-ordinate courts, et.al.
• Hold and organize capacity building programmes, workshops, seminars, conferences etc. on various topics of relevance.
• Publish study material and newsletters for education, knowledge and reference.
• Undertake research projects for assessment and improvement in court performances and overall strengthening of the judicial system.
• To design academic curriculum keeping in view the requirements and training needs of judges and other stakeholders in the system on various subjects and topics covering various fields.
• Undertaking evaluative and monitoring exercises for assessing the training needs and requirements of trainees.
• To make sustained efforts for inculcating judicial ethics and standards of judicial conduct, inculcateself-confidence and judicial work culture and upholding the values and ethics mandated by the Constitution.