Jammu and Kashmir Judicial Academy is pursuing publications for the benefit of the officers of Jammu and Kashmir Judiciary. It is publishing “SJA Newsletter” a monthly journal, regularly since January 2008. It contains Judicial Academy activities news, literary write-ups, important legal news, Supreme Court case notes and case comments on important judgments of Hon'ble Supreme Court and High Court, by Judicial officers. It is extremely popular amongst Judicial officers, lawyers, legal and other branches of Government and academic circles.
Other publications
Jammu and Kashmir Judicial Academy is also publishing research material and study material for the Judicial officers on topics of varied interests. So far Academy has published and circulated amongst the officers of Subordinate Judiciary, the following handbooks:
1. Quick Guide on Law relating to Temporary Injunction;
2. Ready Referencer on Dishonour of Cheques;
3. Bail: Law and Practice;
4. Summary of Proceedings: Judicial Workshop on Delays in dispensation of justice: Causes and the Remedies;
5. English-Urdu Legal Glossary.
6. Art of writing Judgment: Compilation of papers and lectures of eminent jurists.
7. Law of maintenance under the Code of Criminal Procedure.
8. Glossary of Legal Terms and Offences in RPC (English-Hindi-Urdu).
9. Glossary of Legal Terms in the Criminal Procedure Code (English-Hindi-Urdu).
10. Glossary of Legal Terms in the Evidence Act (English-Hindi-Urdu).
11. Glossary of Latin Legal Maxims and their meanings.
12. Summary of Proceedings: Judicial Workshop on “Importance of procedural law in disposal of Civil Cases, with special emphasis on Civil Laws Amendment Act -2009”.
13. Glossary of Revenue Terms (Urdu-Hindi with meanings in English).
14. Compendium on Plea Barganing.